Are you an entrepreneur? Do you own a business where you render services to people or maybe you have something cool you sell online? Then you will certainly want to get more customers, results and revenues. So, one of the quickest way in this digital area to be more competitive while being cost effective or to improve customers relationship is to have them engage with your business online.
Business owners who have online platforms to market their businesses usually tend to neglect customers' reactions on their various platforms or simply don’t have the time, the know how or the discipline it takes to maintain those customers relationships while trying to grow their businesses. Such businesses which offer services are bound to fail if the number of clients stops growing or when something like covid hit making it easier for people to just cast aside local businesses that haven’t built good relationships with customers.
Taking example of someone who owns a restaurant, the owner should pay attention to all reactions on the various posts done concerning his restaurant. Pet your customers as much as you can and reply to all comments under your publications.
Your customers are likely to give their opinion on your restaurant and the experience they had on the comment sections of your publications and in reviews. Never you ignore their comments and in case of complaints, explain things well and promise not to let what they complain of happen again. Show that you care and hear them is the best way to win their business and better yet get more customers and results.
Another Example we have seen in hair braiding salons, Salon owners don’t have time. Not only do they have to manage their braiders, manage the salon, handle customers calls, but they often have to braids themselves when they are short on staff or when the place is really busy. You don’t want to have a customers wait 2 hours when they made an appointment with your business. However that do happen, and if you have built positive relationship with customers online, they don’t get that though on reviews which can kill or make your business. So after all this, do you really have the time and patience to handle all social media communications and be a one man IT department?
Please, make sure you answer to all the worries of your clients. Apologizing to customers who faced any issue with your service rendered and promising to do better next time is a good strategy to keep clients that goes a long way.
Most business owners always look for new clients forgetting existing ones. Putting more efforts to get new customers is good but getting more business from existing one is even better. So, not paying attention to existing customers will drive them away. Your customers decide whether your business grow or fail. The more satisfied they are, the more they get clients for you.
The minimum you can do to is have good customers relationships and that is easily shown online. Showing your community even when they are away from your business that you care about them is to engage with them. It may seem banal but it’s the sure way customers know they are valued.
Keeping a good relationship with all your clients, both old and new ones is good for your business. If you are not tech savvy or don’t have the time and patience to handle better your clients relationships, business online presence or even if you just don’t have an online presence the way your business should, Give us a call or a message and you will be more than happy you did.