Here’s a mini social media and internet audit for ROOM SALON NY, a hair salon located at 210 Roebling St, Brooklyn, NY 11211, USA. In this social media and internet audit, we will evaluate your overall online presence going from Google to Yelp, your social media platforms, and your website. After analyzing your online presence, we will outline what needs to be encouraged and what you need to improve. At the end, we will provide a recommendation list to help you improve your online presence and make the most out of it.
General Online Presence:
1. Any presence on Google? Yes!
ROOM SALON NY has a good Google business profile. In a Google search, we can view your rating, important information about your hair salon and we have easy access to your business profiles on other social networking sites.

2. Any social media presence? Yes!
ROOM SALON NY is active both on Instagram and Facebook as @roomsalonny
and ROOM SALON NY respectively.

Your business profile on Instagram is well developed. You have many followers and you post great images and videos. Unfortunately you are very inconsistent in posting and you do not reply to the few comments you have. You’ve posted only thrice since the beginning of 2023.
On Facebook, you have fewer followers and very few reactions to your post compared to Instagram. Though you have a good profile and you post really attractive content, you are also very inconsistent in posting there as well.
It’s great you have business profiles on those social media platforms with a good number of followers but you need to keep your followers entertained. To maintain your page algorithms and engagements, you have to be posting on a daily basis so your content appears on users’ timelines most often.
On Facebook, aside posting on a daily basis, also share your content in related groups so you can reach a wider audience. Engage with other profiles (like and comment on other peoples’ posts) so they can do the same on your page.
You’re already doing a great job with your posts and reels. Just increase your posting frequency, invite people to follow you on Facebook, share your posts and engage with others and you’ll see a change.
3. Any Website? Yes!

Despite the fact that your website presents all the necessary information we need to know about your hair salon, it does not look professional. Your website is too simple, it's not well organized, and it lacks colors. You need a more professional website and a good logo which can reflect the standards of your hair salon. People when visiting your website should be attracted to it and eager to visit your establishment to see if it's as nice as your website.
Get a better website prototype link click here.
4. Claimed on Google? No!
Your business is not yet claimed on Google. Click here to claim your business.
5. Claimed on Yelp? Yes!
Claimed on Yelp.
6. Review monitoring:
- On Google, you have a 4.9 star rating with 81 reviews.
- On Yelp you have a 5 star rating with 98 reviews.
- On facebook, you have a 3.7 star rating with 22 reviews.

You mostly have positive reviews throughout, unfortunately most of them are left unreplied. Reply to all your reviews; a simple thank you to positive reviews and your sincere apologies to those who had negative experiences at your establishment would not be too much.
7. Current brand image?
- Unprofessional website
- Infrequent posting
- Very few reactions to posts on Facebook.
- Mostly positive feedback from clients.
8. Are social media posts congruent? Yes!
Clean and appealing images and videos posted on social media pages.
9. Most valuable immediate actions:
- Build a professional website for your hair salon.
- Be active on your social media business pages on a daily basis and post more frequently.
- Invite more people to follow you on Facebook.
- Try to reach a wider audience by sharing your Facebook posts in groups.
- Engage with others on social media so they can engage with you as well.
- Claim your business on Google.
- Reply to all your reviews.
Here’s the end of your online presence audit, ROOM SALON NY. Above you have a list of valuable immediate actions that can help you improve your current online presence. Hoping that the above was helpful, we do have some advanced techniques we share with our partners that helps them scale from no online presence to 20+ Booking per month. We would be more than happy to set up your system so you can scale rapidly. To learn more, Call Us: +1817-704-8774.